For over 30 years, Ronald B. Wayman has been dedicated to helping individuals achieve personal transformation and empowerment through coaching, teaching, writing, and energy kinesiology. He has centered his work on the holistic alignment of heart, mind, body, and soul, with pioneering methods that transform mental, emotional, and physical well-being. He is passionate about helping people discover “the what and the why” behind their physical and emotional troubles and be empowered to transform their lives from within. In his book, the Mindbody Dictionary - a reference for mind-body connections in print and as a mobile app, he wrote the troubled and healing mindsets to over 250 conditions that people want deeper answers to. His latest book, Mindbody Movements, offers innovative strategies for brain-body integration through physical movements, supporting the smoother transformation of mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Along with his other book, Life Centering with Breath and Awareness, a mindfulness and breathwork guide, he wants people to take positive steps toward a healthy life. He is co-director of the Brain Integration Institute, which promotes professional practitioners to be certified in kinesiology, energy, advanced brain studies, traditional Chinese medicine, and a comprehensive approach to energy-based healing.

Along with his training companies, Empowerlife Brain Integration, Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology-USA, and Empowerlife Kinesiology, Ron and his associates teach students tools to help clients overcome mental, energetic, and emotional blockages, enabling mindset shifts and transformational growth. In addition to his kinesiology work, Ron is a licensed massage therapist, Certified Enzyme Nutritionist, and developer of specialized herbal, essential oil, and spice blends to promote health and integration of brain-body functions. Together with his wife, Janette, they are proud parents of six and grandparents of 19. Family continually inspires him as he develops new ways to help individuals live empowered, congruent lives.

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Facebook: @mindbodydictionary

Instagram: @mbdictionary

Youtube: @mindbodydictionary88

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