#50 Holistic Chef, Learning To Cook Healthy

Season #1

Andrea, the Holistic Chef, was sick for a very long time, and mainstream doctors could not find anything wrong with me. She was 80 pounds overweight, had daily headaches, felt like she had arthritis in all her joints, mental fog, rashes, and severe hay fever.

She finally found a naturopathic doctor who looked at food and diet as a source of my physical problems, and her whole life changed. As soon as she changed her diet, all of her health problems improved. She created a company to solve these problems. Her company provides health-supportive food and education to her clients.

Andrea graduated from the Professional Chefā€™s Training Program at the Natural Gourmet Culinary Institute in New York City. She is certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

You can find Andrea at: https://theholisticchef.com/



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