Surviving the Holiday Treats
Holidays are fun, so enjoy them. With a little thought and planning, you can navigate holiday
parties with ease.
Have A Healthy Holiday
You work hard during the year to eat a healthy diet, and then December hits, and everywhere
you turn, someone is offering you a treat. From parties at work to a girls’ night out to your Aunt
Barbara’s famous trifle, holiday food can make it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
At the same time, being too strict with yourself can take some of the fun out of the holidays. So
how can you splurge responsibly? Here are a few ideas.
Holidays are fun, so enjoy them. With a little thought and planning, you can navigate holiday parties with ease.
Protein Bites
Protein Bites
1 cup natural peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup oats, blended into powder
4 scoops chocolate protein powder

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