David Christopher shares natural strategies for disease prevention, treatment, and super immunityā€”helping you stay healthy despite fear-driven warnings and medical activism.
Having been raised in the simple ways of natural health, David's interests grew beyond his university study. In 1974, David Christopher, MH, took his place by his father's side at The School of Natural Healing. David's book, An Herbal Legacy of Courage, is a loving tribute to his father. In 1979, he became a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing. Today, thousands safely apply Christopher's methodology thanks to his directorship. David is an international lecturer and has been instrumental in helping to establish Herbal Schools in England and Ireland. David and his wife, Fawn, host the "A Healthier You" podcast. He has generated new ideas on the management of high blood pressure, diabetes, and auto-immune diseases and was one of the first to discourage the use of Prozac in favor of natural methods. David Christopher aims to help others learn to benefit from a healthier lifestyle.
Find more about David ChristopherĀ at:Ā http://www.schoolofnaturalhealing.com/
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